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Benefits of Education from an Online High School ( 5 posts )

Whether you are an adult who never completed your primary education or the parent of a child in need of special attention and flexibility, getting a diploma from an online high school may be the right choice for you. With this option, you will have a number of benefits. You will be able to take control of your education. You can learn everything you would be taught in a classroom in the comfort of your own home. You can take charge of the decisions that you make and the path that you will take during your education.

An online high school can offer an array of advantages. Mostly, you will have complete control over your education. You will have the ability to study your own assignments at your own pace. You can focus on the assignments that may take you a bit longer to complete, while easily and quickly going through assignments that are easier for you. The flexibility on education on the Internet is unmatched. Most programs allow you attend your virtual class at any time of the day, so you can work around your busy schedule. Many people that take classes on the Internet have busy schedules and often full time jobs. This form of education will allow you to work on your own terms and on your own time.

Traditional education for many people means more than just learning. When getting your diploma on the Internet, you can avoid the distractions that come along with the traditional classroom. You won’t have to deal with the cliques and other distracting students while you work on your own time. You can study when you want and where you want. Plus, many times a teacher in a traditional classroom just cannot spend extra time during class time helping each individual student with his or her own specific problems. When working within the online high school, if you do not understand a particular topic, you can take your time and pace yourself to gain a better understanding of the subject.

Whether you are an adult with a full-time job, and you want to move up in the world, or you think that your child would benefit from the pacing and attention involved in an online high school, this educational choice may be the one for you. There are a variety of options out there, so do some research and find out which one will work best for your circumstances.

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Virtual Worlds are Useful for Children ( 4 posts )

A research report says that virtual worlds can be important places where children practice what they will do in real life. They are also a powerful and attractive alternative to more passive adventures like watching TV. The research was done with children using the BBC’s Adventure Rock virtual world, aimed at those aged 6-12. It surveyed and interviewed children who were the first to test the game.

The online world is a theme island built for the BBC’s children channel by Belgian game maker Larian. Children explore the world alone but they use message boards to share what they find and what they do in the different creative studios they find around the virtual space.

At times children were explorers and at others they were social climbers eager to connect with other players. Some were power users looking for more information about how the virtual space really worked. The children could try all kinds of things without having to be afraid of the consequences that would follow if they tried them in the real world. They learned many useful social skills and played around with their identity in ways that would be much more difficult in real life. According to the study what children liked about virtual worlds was the chance to create content such as music, cartoons and videos.

The publishers of the report say that virtual worlds can be a powerful, engaging and real interactive alternative to more passive media. They urged creators of virtual spaces for children to get young people involved very early on because they really do have good ideas to add and they are very good critical friends.

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How to Make Posts in English ( 3 posts )

How to Make Posts in English with Good ? - Did you know that there are two important pillars that must be mastered when trying to master the English language ( and all languages ​​in general ) ? Yup ! Guesses right , speaking and writing. If you are experiencing significant difficulties when will make writing in English , for example, construct a new two- sentence alone makes you a headache , it does not mean you are not able to write . The problem is you just have not met the person who tells you how to easily make posts in English . Trust me , writing is a skill that can be mastered in a way that is much simpler than you ever imagined .

Let us consider for a moment your thoughts during the first school . Remember the times when you have to make writings in English or your first language . Is your posts commented on by your teacher ? Perhaps your teacher said : " You should not write this way . You should use a better language " . And how often have you assigned to make writing on topics that you think are extremely boring ?

If you analyze your school days , you will begin to realize that you have long been led to believe that writing is a special skill . To be able to make good writing , you have to use formal language and literal . And today is your lucky day to have found this article that will reveal the secrets and tips to make writing in the English language quality .

1 . Change the way you think about writing

To be able to make posts in English , stop thinking that writing is a masterpiece or something that will be examined with full accuracy either by your teacher or someone else . Think more simple . When you make posts in English , your writing should contain clear descriptions about the topics you raise . Just a point.

You also should not complicate yourself using complicated language and sentences that are too long . Do not get confused by thinking that you are native English speakers will give a bad judgment on your writing if you use the words or sentences that are simple and commonly heard.

2 . Speak first and then write

Already did you know that it takes about 600 milliseconds before the contents of your mind then diverbalisasikan by your mouth ? Making it faster for you to express your thoughts verbally rather than in writing . When we think , we are not creating sentences that clearly formulated . We only have a number of concepts that they are abstract . You have to create content that is meaningful to speak English before starting to make writing in English . That is, you should speak first and then write .

3 . Write the outline in the form of short bullet points

Menulislah as you speak . Pour your ideas in the form of essence or writing frame by at least five points only . You are not going to jump from one subject to another subject because you already have the main points that have been consecutively. Outlining before starting to make writing in English also allows you to make additional substances in your writing .

4 . Create a concept
The concept or the development of a writing frame is very urgent if you want to make writing in English . Menulislah framework and develop your writing quickly . In this phase , you do not have to think long . Write down ideas that come to mind . Remember to keep referring to the outline . This phase is not the phase of thinking is wrong and right but keep writing and developing your ideas .
One important thing is , it's easier for us to correct an incomplete draft text . How many people are trying to write then stop after one or two paragraphs because running out of words or because we are not able to maintain the consistency of the idea in their brains .

5 . Time correcting your writing concept
In order to make your way to writing in English is getting closer to the goal , read the above concept with a loud voice . You will be surprised or even laugh when it finds a word or phrase that was less fit or less fit in the sentence that you make when writing . Do not rush - rush ! Examine carefully .

After reading the five points above , you are expected to no longer feel difficulty when making writing in good English . We hope you develop a sense of optimism in creating useful writings . If the article How to Make Posts in English with Good ? The benefit to you , do not forget to share with your friends by pressing the share button on Twitter or Facebook below .

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Assalamu'alikum Wr . Wb .

Pound on Thursday , August 8, 1991 at 12:00 pm in Jakarta . Born baby boy is mine , with a weight of 3.5 kg and height 50 cm . Name given by my parents , which is very nice by the name of " Agus Wirawanto Putro " . Understandably my parents so my name from Java to Java - Jawaan bit . Tp I am proud to have that name because I was born in August so my parents gave me the name and diselah agus - Shelah my name there is also the name of my parents . I was born from a simple family , I am the second of three brothers . My sister and my brother male women - men .

every man all have both positive and negative as well as myself . If the assessment of myself , in terms of the positive nature of the things that I could say that someone is responsible , it is not easily angered , patient and loyal . While in terms of the negative nature of things that I am quite selfish , likes to make other people easily annoyed and sleep anywhere . I have a hobby of playing football ( futsal ) and listening to music .

Story of my life journey is very happy because a lot of people - people who love and care about me , especially my parents who always accompany the day - my day . The prayers he up to now I am still in good health , I also do not forget to run the prayers and pray for me , both parents and people - the people I love . I am very grateful to my parents who have raised me and gave me the education to be able to continue their education to a higher level is college .
First I had attended kindergarten - kindergarten child exactly in Annur , childhood - childhood is quite pleasant . Then I go to the elementary school at SDN 1 officer for 6 years in elementary school a lot of memories that can not be forgotten by friends , no love and grief . Since elementary school I like to listen to the song - the song Sheila ON7 even now I collect albums . At that time me and a friend - a friend was inspired by the band so we made ​​a band with the name PLAMM AN7 ( Pras Lana Arif Munif Madin Agus Nandang ) the intent of that name was the name of the seven of us to be easy to remember and be remembered . Although our band broke up but we still have a solid friendship and remain menjali silahtuhrahmi to date . I have 6 years in elementary school and eventually graduated with a fairly satisfactory
After that I continued kejenjang Junior High School junior is in Seroja for 3 years and the times I was a teenager and had many friends . At that moment I experienced a lot of memories that can not be forgotten by friends until I finally graduated . Then further High School is in Hope Park High School for 3 years , during this time I have started to grow up so that they can choose the courses I am able to or want. In the end I went into science majors , if the see - saw from junior high through high school I went to private but I remain grateful and proud to have entered science majors . In the end I was passed on a tender in 2009 . I will never forget for services and science teachers who have taught my time in elementary , junior high , or high school . All very useful and valuable for me .

Then by the time I graduated high school my intention to please my parents , trying to find a job . Within a year I have participated in various tests at several institutions and other institutions . And in the end all that I live to fail , but I 'm sure it was just a failure of delayed and yet my sustenance . Make all the experience in working and we need to know that the work is not easy or easy all it takes prayer , effort and process . Once I feel confident I fail failure is the beginning of a success .

And I think with the spirit to continue my education kejenjang who is studying at the higher " Gunadarma University " Thank God that I still live well , and until now it has entered the 6th semester in class 3KB05 with NMP 29,110,596 . And taking with the Department of Computer Science Faculty Computer system S1 . Here I learned to be more mature further in life and a lot of lessons or knowledge I can . I continue with my college friends had more more besides in elementary , junior high , or high school . Lecturers and friends this campus are all friendly and good , in college I 've lived here for about 3 years with my friends to do the learning activities , chores together and the streets when time off . May we all " PASS " with a pretty good GPA and hopefully what we all desire is reached , we went to college together keluarpun we must also equally . amen
 In this life I shall have my life principle is to always try and always pray to embody the ideals that I want, I believe , and always optimistic that this all behind Almighty GOD has other plans . Until now I have a goal I still want to achieve the success that is so , my parents happy and happy people I love and care about . I feel sad until now I realize that I have not been able to give something that can be proud and happy my parents , maybe someday I will be able to make it happen . amen
Before the story is a simple story of my lid , I would like to say many - many thanks to family , lovers and friends who have helped and I support that , either in the form of material and moral so that all may go well .
A few stories I created this simple story , may be useful and can inspire those who read , if there are any words that beg pardon . Thank you .

Wassalamu'alaikum Wr . Wb .

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About Computers (1 posts)

Computer Science ( Computer Science ) , or in English is called Computer Science ( CS ) , is generally defined as the study of good about computing , hardware ( hardware ) and software (the software ) . Computer science includes a variety of computer-related topics , ranging from abstract analysis of algorithms to more concrete subjects such as programming languages ​​, software , including hardware . As a discipline , Computer Science more emphasis on computer programming , and software engineering ( software ) , while tenkik computers are more likely to be related to things like computer hardware ( hardware ) . However, these two terms are often misunderstood by many people .

understanding Computers
Computers are tools used to process the data according to procedures that have been formulated . Computer word originally used to describe people who perkerjaannya perform arithmetic calculations , with or without the tools , but the meaning of this word is then transferred to the machine itself . Origins, processing information almost exclusively related to arithmetical problems , but modern computers are used for many tasks unrelated to mathematics .
In such a definition there are tools such as slide relu , mechanical calculators types ranging from abacus and so on , until all contemporary electronic computers . The term better suited for a broad sense as " computer " is " that process information " or " information processing system . "
Nowadays , computers are becoming more sophisticated . However , before the computer is not small, sophisticated , cool and light now . In the history of computers , there are 5 generations of computer history .

Computer parts
The computer consists of 2 major parts of the software ( software ) and hardware ( hardware ) :

  • The processor or CPU as the data processing unit
  • RAM memory , a place to store temporary data
  • Hard drives , semi- permanent storage medium
  • Input devices , media used to enter data to be processed by the CPU , such as a mouse , keyboard , and tablet
  • Output device , the media used to display the output of CPU processing , such as monitors and printers


  • Operating system

Base program on a computer that connects users with computer hardware . The operating system used is Linux , Windows , and Mac OS . The task of the operating system , including ( but not only ) set of program execution on it , the coordination of input , output , processing , memory , and software installation .
  • Computer Programs

An application is installed in accordance with its operating system

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5W + 1H, Yes/No Question and Tag Questions

1. 5W + 1H    : An Effective Approach to Collecting and Presenting Key

A. Information
One of the most universally used tools for information gathering, analysis, organization and presentation is the 5W1H framework. This method is used across a range of professions, from process analysts to quality engineers to journalists, to understand and explain virtually any problem or issue. The same method can be used to organize the writing of reports, articles, white papers, and even whole books.

B. The Basic Approach
This approach seeks to answer six basic questions in gathering information about nearly any subject: Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How. Sometimes, depending on the context, a second “H” might be used: How Much. In journalism, news story writing requires that the questions to be answered take a basic form:
1. Who is it about?
2. What is it about?
3. When did it happen?
4. Where did it happen?
5. Why did it happen?
6. How did it happen?
Applying the 5W1H framework to other types of writing or investigation takes some interpretation. The order in which the answers to the questions is presented may vary, but the “what” is usually addressed first.
In journalism, the “what” identifies an event and is often stated in the “lead (or lede),” the first paragraph of a news story. The “what” is the primary subject, the reason the information is being gathered and presented. Apart from journalism, it may be stated in a title and in a purpose statement. The “what” may need to be defined, a process that may comprise the remainder of a document. Example :    What, specifically,…?
A news story identifies who an event involves. The “who” may be part of the lede, and could be the reason the story is news worthy. In other contexts, the “who” identifies the persons or groups the “what” concerns. It might describe the audience of a document, or those who are affected by a policy, process or procedure. Example :    Who benefits?
A key part of a news story is describing when an event happened. Answering the “when” indicates any time sensitivity related to the “what.” It may be part of an instruction regarding the proper point at which a action should be taken. Sometimes it may be part of an “If…then” scenario of conditional action. Example :    When will it start/end?
A news story reports the location at which an event took place. The “where” describes a geographical or physical location of importance to the “what.” At times, the where may be less important than other factors. Example :    Where are you?
The “why” is usually the most neglected of the questions in the framework. News stories often lack information from authoritative sources to explain the “why.” In other contexts, the “why” may be considered irrelevant, particularly when describing a policy or procedure decreed by an organizational authority. Efforts to ascertain and explain the “why” may help those affected be more accepting of any change the “what” requires. Example :    Why does that happen?
For journalists, determining how an event took place may be nearly as challenging as explaining the “why,” although more effort is usually put to satisfying the question. When describing policies, processes or procedures, the how may be the most important part of the effort. A considerable appetite for understanding how to do something can be found across audiences. Sometimes effort focuses on the “what” when more work should be devoted to explaining the “how.” Example :    How much?
The 5W1H framework can be applied to any topic at any level of granularity to gather, analyze and present information from the simplest to the most complex. Attributed to a Rudyard Kipling poem, 5W1H is the place to start and may be enough to take you to the finish.

2. Yes/No Question
Definition:    An interrogative construction that expects an answer of “yes” or “no.” Contrast  with wh- question.
Examples and Observations:
Homer: Are you an angel?
Moe    : Yes, Homer. All us angels wear Farrah slacks.
(The Simpsons)
“Directing a movie is a very overrated job, we all know it. You just have to say ‘yes’ or ‘no.’ What else do you do? Nothing. ‘Maestro, should this be red?’ Yes. ‘Green?’ No. ‘More extras?’ Yes. ‘More lipstick?’ No. Yes. No. Yes. No. That’s directing.” (Judi Dench as Liliane La Fleur in Nine, 2009).
Principal McGee: Are you just going to stand there all day?
Sonny: No ma’am. I mean, yes ma’am. I mean, no ma’am.
Principal McGee: Well, which is it?
Sonny: Um, no ma’am.
(Eve Arden and Michael Tucci in Grease, 1978)
The yes-no question is found in three varieties: the inverted question, the typical exemplar of this kind; the inverted question offering an alternative (which may require more than a simple yes or no for an answer); and the tag question:
Are you going? (inversion)
Are you staying or going? (inversion with alternative)
You’re going, aren’t you? (tag)

3. Tag Questions
in a tag question, the speaker makes a statement, but is not completely certain of the truth, so he or she uses a tag question to verify the previous statement. Sentences using tag questions should have the main clause separated from the tag by a comma. The sentence will always end a question mark.Example:
1. There are only twenty-eight days in February, aren’t there?
2. It’s raining now, isn’t it?
3. The boys don’t have class tomorrow, do they?
4. You and i talked with the professor yesterday, didn’t we?
5. Jill and Joe have been to Mexico, haven’t they?

Reference:  TOEFL: Preparation Guide by Michael A. Pyle, M. A. and Mary Ellen Munoz Page, M. A.

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